Sunday, November 21, 2010

Jewelry sets for cheap prices

Are you struggling to find a good Christmas gift or your wife or girlfriend for cheap prices? Because men and women are very different in terms of tastes and preferences, finding a gift for cheap prices for your romantic partner can be rather challenging. If you are finding it difficult to choose an appropriate jewelry set for your woman, perhaps you should consider getting her some black diamond jewelry for cheap price.

A Brief Overview 

Black diamonds sets are sometimes referred to as carbonados. Carbonado is a Portuguese word which means burned or carbonized. Carbonados are naturally occurring polycrystalline diamonds that can be found only in Brazil and the Central African Republic. 

Black diamonds are just as hard and durable as white diamonds. That’s why they are often used in industry. The carbonado used to be a popular choice for men’s jewelry. In more recent years, black diamonds have been used to make women’s jewelry as well. 

Carbonados are extremely rare. They are actually the rarest of all diamonds for cheap prices. Black diamonds are full of inclusions or scratches. These scratches are full of sulfides. The sulfides give carbonados their dark color. The scratches and pits in black diamonds make them very difficult to cut. Hence carbonados are very expensive to purchase. Not all carbonados are entirely black. They can also have a dark gray pigment. 

An Interesting History 

There are some fascinating legends associated with jewelry sets for cheap prices. According to Indian folklore, black diamonds are unlucky because they represent Yama, the god of death. People in medieval Italy had a very different opinion about black diamonds. They thought that black diamonds were the gems of reconciliation. They believed that wearing a carbonado could help a person to resolve a quarrel with his or her lover.

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